Because of the fact that many North American 4 foot F40T12 fluorescent tube fixtures have often experienced frequent ballast failures from running 4 foot F34T12 fluorescent tubes, I find the design of many European 32W preheat circline fluorescent fixtures to be very concerning to me for the following reasons:
Many of these fixtures often use 4 foot F40T12 and/or F36T8 preheat fluorescent ballasts.
32W circline fluorescent lamps have very similar electrical characteristics to North American 4 foot F34T12 fluorescent tubes.
F34T12 fluorescent tubes have been known to cause frequent ballast failures in older North American F40T12 fluorescent tube fixtures.
Here are the electrical specifications of the fluorescent lamps discussed above:
4 foot F40T12: 105V arc voltage drop, 430mA operating current
European 4 foot F36T8: 103V arc voltage drop, 440mA operating current
North American 4 foot F34T12: 84V arc voltage drop, 450mA operating current
32W circline: 80V arc voltage drop, 430mA
As far as I have known, the ballast failures in North American F40T12 fluorescent tube fixtures may have been caused by the ballast drawing more current than what it was rated for due to the lower arc voltage drop of F34T12 fluorescent tubes.
Because of these observations among North American LG members, does anyone know about European 32W preheat circline fluorescent fixtures experiencing frequent ballast failures?
Here are the documents that show the specifications for the lamps I discussed: