Author Topic: Identify Refractors  (Read 4523 times)
Identify Refractors « on: April 21, 2009, 04:17:07 PM » Author: Randge
I have been following the board for a while and have interest in selling a few items.
I started a picture gallery and maybe you experts can guide me in identifying for sure and applying a value. Most what I have would be NIB or used but good.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Identify Refractors « Reply #1 on: June 10, 2009, 04:31:20 PM » Author: Randge
I have been looking in to the shipping of these refractors. The packaging required to keep them safe and secure results in a shipping charge of around $40.00 depending of course what part of the country they go to. This makes them kinda spendy and maybe not so attractive for collectors.
It was $39.61 plus $3.00 for a carton to ship to the West Coast on Fedex or Parcel Post.
Anybody have any good ideas. I can get the cost down to around $23-24 bucks in a smaller box but then can't protect it.



 ??? ??? ???
I have been following the board for a while and have interest in selling a few items.
I started a picture gallery and maybe you experts can guide me in identifying for sure and applying a value. Most what I have would be NIB or used but good.
Thanks in advance for any help.
You can post a reply for all or just send me a message.



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Mike McCann

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Re: Identify Refractors « Reply #2 on: January 31, 2010, 05:06:12 PM » Author: streetlight98
Can i have a link to the refractor photos? If so, I can identify them.

Please check out my newly-updated website! McCann Lighting Company is where my street light collection is displayed in detail.

Re: Identify Refractors « Reply #3 on: February 01, 2010, 08:12:20 AM » Author: Randge
Sorry I have been away from this for a while. They are items from work and obsolete for us so they don't get much time devoted other than I don't want to just scrap them.
I hope to count them, list them with pics sometime in the next month or so.
I looked into packing and shipping and decided to would be too time consuming and costly to sell them one at a time. I am going to ask the board if anyone is in driving distance of Minnesota that would be interested in a package deal and pick them up here. The cost of the refreactors would be cheap but the pickup would make it a hassle.
That's where I'm at and will make this offer to the other folks who expressed interest before. Then they will be available to anyone after that.
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