Well, I have found a pair of Sylvania F32T8/CW, one 741 the other 841. Both are ecologic and last December when I first tested them they acted like you said. Today they are prefectly fine. That "warm-up" mercury starvation generally disappears with use (I mean the more you run it, the less the problem is).
I also have a bunch of Sylvania F32T8/CW 741 ecologic lamps that start with the ends bright and the centre dim. They gradually warmup the full brightness. This warmup stage doesn't seem to go away in mine. I don't have a problem with the T12 low mercury lamps though.
This behavior correspond to amalgam used as mercury reservoir - it need higher temperature to yield sufficient mercury vapor pressure (some amalgams yield way lower mercury partial pressure above them then pure mercury, that's why they allow higher temperature operation, but need a warm-up). As amalgams are on ends, required amount of mercury starts there and then it has to diffuse trough whole lamp length - so why it light gradually from ends.
It does not look for me as a lamp fault (like not opened capsule, and so on), neither signature of approaching mercury starved end-of-life, but normal consequence of used mercury pressure control concept. I would not see anything bad with this, when the few minutes warmup time is not a problem.