So this June will mark a solid one year that it's been since my conversion of my home from seventy 60 watt incandescents over to 13 watt Sylvania Micro minis, and there has been only two incidences so far, I have a small home but like a lot of light as I am a night owl, 4 burn 24/7 and those have not acted up. They have been great and I reallllly use them. My electric bill dropped by around $20 a month give or take some. So the two that acted up-
1. One of the three 150watt equiv giant Sylvania CFL's refused to start out in the garage when it was extremely cold this winter. It flickered and hissed. The next morning I was about to go get a replacement and low and behold it started right up so I cancelled the trip to Lowes home improvement and it has never acted up since!
2. One 60 watt equiv in a bathroom ceiling fan vent/light combo above shower (fan buzzes and vibrates a lot) began strobing at I'd say 30HZ last night while I was showering and it scared the hell out of me. It did it a few times lasting maybe 5-10 seconds each time then ran fine the rest of the night. If I flicked it on and off it would act up once then normal. I tightened it in the socket and that seemed to stop its misbehavior till today it did it again. I then swapped it over to the other ceiling fan light combo that is a bit quieter and moved its bulb (same micro mini) over to the noisy fan. Both fans are Moens but one is more off balance motor it seems. And nothing new has happened since so far its behaving! I will keep posted!
Two weird occurrences, that seem to have rectified themselves, what could cause such issues? I have a few spares but figured I'd try the swap before I replace the bathroom ones. The garage one seems fine but is a bit "hissier" than its 2 other partners out there lol, but hasn't refused to light since that night. (Its partners, I have 3 150watt equivalents out there never had same issue).
Thanks guys!