Just down the street and then also in an apartment complex neighborhood, there are several Mercury Vapor Cobraheads. Some with obviously clear Mercury Vapor lamps, and some coated. From what I know of the non-coated MV's, they don't have a pink or burgundy after glow color like the Metal Halides, between each flash pattern. I keep seeing what I *thought* might be MV's that appear to be different, with pinkish/burgundy after glow colors between the flash patterns, when I flip my eyes up and down. My question is: do some clear Mercury Vapor lamps have an after glow color like Metal Halide lamps? Or am I possibly seeing some greened out Metal Halide Cobras? If it's greened out Metal Halide lamps, there are tons of them around my city. Those fixtures are different from the fixtures I've posted pics of here on the L-G. Those posted pics are of actual Metal Halide Cobras recently installed. This isn't the easiest to explain, but some of you may understand what I'm saying.