Author Topic: How did you started you lighting fascination?  (Read 6958 times)
Joe Maurath, Jr.

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Transgender, Avid About Street Lamps, Insulators.

Re: How do you started you lighting fascination? « Reply #30 on: April 02, 2021, 09:48:14 PM » Author: Joe Maurath, Jr.
Same here, except I only took them from the lamps that weren’t used.  :lol:

Originally my fascination about lighting started by looking up at utility poles looking at insulators with the other stuff on them as a little kid. Then.. not too many years later.. the street lights upon them along with their photocontrols and the visible lamps in their fixtures added a lot to my obsession! :mv: :mvc: I have not changed since :D   

"A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is, instead of what you think it should be, and then making the best of it."

Please refer to where I periodically post many images of lights and insulators in the group's Picture Poster Gallery. Thank you.

Re: How do you started you lighting fascination? « Reply #31 on: April 07, 2021, 12:51:33 AM » Author: Desultory13
My fascination with lighting started when I was 2 years old.
At that time we were living in a brand new house in a development that still wasn't finished.
Well one day a Florida Power & Light crew showed up to install a brand new streetlight in the front swale between my house and the neighboring house.
My Mom showed me the crew working from the large living room window.
I became so fascinated by what they were doing that I wouldn't leave that window all day.
My Mom said that I was the easiest child in the world to take care of.
I watched them put up the concrete pole, run the power cable to the pole in my backyard, install the arm and light, and complete all of the connections.
From that moment on I was completely fascinated by lighting.
BTW that fixture used a coated 175 MV lamp and thanks to LG I now know that the fixture was an ITT/AE Series 11 NEMA head.
It used a Fisher Pierce photocell.
That was in 1979 when it was installed and it remained there trouble free until 1984, when the HPS conversion began.
Re: How do you started you lighting fascination? « Reply #32 on: April 07, 2021, 12:59:10 AM » Author: Desultory13
What started by fascination was stealing light bulbs out of the lamps throughout my house when I was a toddler.
I love that story! It sounds exactly like something I would have done.... or did :mrg:
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