Author Topic: Close encounters with nature  (Read 12864 times)

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #45 on: May 06, 2016, 02:16:15 AM » Author: Mercurylamps
That's scary. Now that it is spring here again, I am probably going to have several more "close encounters".
I am terrified of tornados for some reason (probably from my 2nd grade experience), and freak out whenever the sirens go off. Where I live there has never ever been a tornado (some people say it's because of all the hills) but I still worry about it whenever it becomes summer.

I've seen videos of tornados on Youtube and they look impressive but it's still scary. Same with volcano eruptions impress me but also scary.

We had a tornado that passed over my house two months ago. As for the lightening, was the buzz like 60hz or was it something weird?

I wouldn't describe the buzzing as a 50/60Hz as such, it's like a crackling noise at a 30Hz frequency or about that. It's hard to describe but it was fairly loud. I'm a lot more respecting to thunderstorms since that day. :o

I think the best way to avoid storms is to drink beer I drink loads and we don't get storms so it must work Lol seriously the weather's just turned nice here it's warm and sunny and should be up to around 70 Fahrenheit by the end of the week lots of finches and other nice little birds about now

I love nice, warm sunny weather. I do love storms but here in Australia we are approaching winter and there isn't much, if any storms at all during the winter months while in the warmer months it can be a regular occurence.

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #46 on: June 18, 2016, 06:14:21 PM » Author: Solanaceae
Here're my three tornado experiences.

1: March 2006: it started off as a calm Sunday. Throughout the afternoon it was increasingly hot and humid. If I remember it was nearing dusk when the storm came. It got dark, poured for a few mins, then stopped. In the east, the sky was greenish. A bad some. West it was yellow where some small rays of sun remain. We then hear the tv get an emergency broadcast that said a tornado and the wind picks up. Later we learn that the wall cloud started in my area, punching out attic vents in houses, then slowly developing a funnel just in time to destroy the fence at my grandparents house, then proceeded to rip the roof off Walmart and do other damage to homes.

2: c. May 2010: we were all outside on the playground at the end of the day. I look off to the west to see ominous clouds. At the end of the day, it started to rain. When the bell rang, it was picking up intensity. When we were on the bus, it got windy and the rain lived up, and some small hail started falling. I look outside to see what looks like a forming funnel cloud inthe adjacent field. I checked the radar with an older kids phone and saw that a hook echo was in our area. We were cought in the rear flank downdraft. When I got home, gramps was in shambles, my sister hadn't arrived yet, and about that time, lightning struck in the road and injured a few trees. It turns out her bus pulled off the road due to increasing wind.

3: March 2016: it was a warm night again,about ten years after the locally renown 06 tornado. The weather channel called for severe storms. I checked the radar around 6:30, and saw some blurb action forming west of here. So I went into the basement to watch some Hank hill naturally. At around 7:20 that was over. I noticed it start to rain, flipped to the news, and surely enough a severe storm was fast approaching. About ten minutes later, it went from pouring to partial clearing. Sure. The clouds were green and the moon was showing, so I feared the worst. A warm gust of wind towards the west blew everything at about 65 mph. That's the warm inflow for the storm. I listened and heard a low rumble like what they said tornadoes sound like. So as I process those worning signs the tornado sirens start. A minute later low clouds approach and a rotating funnel passes over my house. So then we go back in. It turns out the storm spawned that funnel and another a few miles south, which punched a barn and moderately damaged a haus. Thankfully nobody was home.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2016, 07:31:32 PM by Solanaceae » Logged

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #47 on: June 19, 2016, 12:23:11 AM » Author: Aveoguy22
had a close encounter today that I wish I hadn't had.  picked up 2 dog ticks somehow walking around the yard.  lovely

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GoL Solanaceae.Keif.Fitz Keif Fitz bubby_keif
Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #48 on: August 13, 2016, 11:49:43 PM » Author: Solanaceae
More blurbs yesterday. 5.55 or so inches in a few hours this caused flash flooding, with some cars submerged upto the roofs! :o also the new basement of the under construction place filled up with two inches of water, ruining the insulation! Those idiots didn't put the sump pump hose facing to the yard after backfilling, they curled it up, causing it to pour down into the basement! Eventually the breaker got tripped one way or another. Also not to mention some numbskull put the chimney vent boot upside down, causing a nice leak, along with the toilet vent having a small drip and the egress Windows on both sides leaking and the sill plate on the adjacent place! :o cheaply made craptastic new construction! At this rate we'd be better off refurbishing a 100 year old place.  ::)

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #49 on: August 14, 2016, 10:36:49 AM » Author: AngryHorse
The only one I remember is being at a vintage rally, around 1998, it was on a large farm that was open to the public, I remember walking round looking for the toilets and accidently ended up in an `out of bounds` part of the farm.
It was like something out of a cartoon!, I walked around this corner, straight into a very large `rafter` of about 30 Turkeys!, who then decided to, (rather angrly), come after me! ;D

They run quite fast when they want to!
« Last Edit: August 14, 2016, 10:39:07 AM by AngryHorse » Logged

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #50 on: September 05, 2016, 08:52:15 AM » Author: Lumex120
Not sure if this counts but here it goes anyway:

At around 4:00 this morning I suddenly hear a deafening explosion sound and a bright yellow flash followed by the sound of falling debris. I had the blinds down and so I couldn't see what happened but I immediately assumed a gas line or house had exploded and so I was very scared until I saw some lightning. Something right outside must have been hit by lightning and exploded. My first thought was the old giant maple tree in the yard (it's like 120 years old and so I really hoped this wasn't it.) It wasn't fortunately, but I looked around to try and find out what had been hit. It sounded like a tree or pole got hit and exploded but there was no debris anywhere. I don't know what got hit but it was weird because there should have been pieces to it everywhere (the sound of debris falling continued for a long time so whatever got hit should have been obvious.)

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #51 on: February 24, 2017, 01:52:19 AM » Author: Aveoguy22
not myself directly, but a trail cam i have set up to see what animals i can get pics of got this.  the deer looked at it long enough for it to take 4 or 5 other shots but none as good as this one.  the camera's smell must've caught its attention, otherwise i don't know why it would've stuck around that long.

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #52 on: February 24, 2017, 02:18:13 AM » Author: Mercurylamps
Drove through a huge storm last Friday.


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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #53 on: March 03, 2017, 01:28:12 AM » Author: ace100w120v
Zarlog, I've never lived in or been to the Midwest or the South, so I haven't ever experienced a tornado, but I have seem some very violent winds and microbursts living in southeast Alaska for 7 years.  I remember one crazy storm one winter in particular probably about 5 or 6 years ago.  My house was/is located in a natural wind tunnel, right off the ocean, with no trees right around it, but all the neighbors' properties were HEAVILY wooded and there was Tongass National Forest behind my backyard.  One night, with a violent storm, 2 story house on piling foundation shaking like crazy, three big gusts, I'm certain well above 100MPH,  ripped an entire section of roof off.  Delta rib corrugated steel, albeit installed not directly to the plywood, but Tek screwed to 1X3 furring strips nailed into the plywood with 10 penny nails...soon as the air got under it, up and away.  Bent it back at a right angle, an entire side of roof!  I have pictures but they're back home.  Was picking up tar paper for years afterward in the far corners of the yard!

Also, advice from someone who's lived through the unexpected side effect of it:  If you live off grid (I was at the time) and get a wind generator, DO NOT mount it to the corner of the house, right outside your bedroom window! Whizzing loudly all night long in 100MPH gusts.  Then the wind would die down for a brief moment (It was VERY gusty there) and I'd think the darn thing finally got ripped off and blown away!


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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #54 on: November 26, 2017, 07:45:51 PM » Author: HomeBrewLamps
I was riding my bike once, and a raccoon decided to run right in front of the bike, I could not slow down as i was going downhill, it ran with the bike for about 20ft then jumped off to the side, another time i was biking and out of nowhere it started raining real hard... unlike most people I like rain so that was one of the bast rides, since i was basically being water cooled i was able to go faster lmao.


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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #55 on: November 26, 2017, 08:47:16 PM » Author: CEB1993
How did I miss this board?!  I have had quite a few horrifying encounters with cruel Mother Nature  :o

The hailstorm that "totaled" my car last March.  A microburst thunderstorm appeared one afternoon and there was nonstop golfball sized hail for almost 30 minutes.  It was terrifying, I've never heard such loud precipitation hitting the roof of the house.  There were 100's of tiny dents left in my car and the roof of the house was completely destroyed.  My car was basically unfixable due to the extent of the damage :(

The sunburn that left me in pain for three days at the end of last summer.  I made the mistake of not wearing sunblock in September when the weather was turning cooler and I still got fried.  I have a new spot on my chest which I've been watching carefully.  I don't want skin cancer.

Two years ago, I made the mistake of driving my car after an ice storm.  There was a one inch layer of ice on the road and on my sloped driveway.  I wanted to go to the grocery store a 1/4 mile away from my house, and I figured I could go that short distance without any mishaps.  Wrong!  I backed out of the driveway and into the road, but only one problem, the steering wheel didn't work!  I slowly stopped the car and tried to steer my way back into the driveway.  I have a front wheel drive car, so it does halfway decent in wintery weather.  I begin to accelerate and then slide backwards down the small hill :o  I backed up a little bit and gunned it, getting a running start diagonally up the hill, while downshifting during the climb.  I made it back to my parking place and gave up on my dangerous journey less than a mile down the road, in a severe ice storm.

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240V 50Hz

Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #56 on: November 26, 2017, 09:02:02 PM » Author: Mercurylamps
We had an approaching storm a few weeks ago, this attached picture was taken around lunch time near my home.

As I was driving closer to it there was a lot of lightning and the thunder was that immediate and after the strike the thunder was loud enough to vibrate the panels in the car. Then about five minutes after that the rain hit so hard for about five minutes making the visibility so poor and causing me to pull over for safety. The downpour lasted a few minutes then it cleared up leaving sunshine. :o


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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #57 on: November 26, 2017, 09:44:59 PM » Author: CEB1993
We had an approaching storm a few weeks ago, this attached picture was taken around lunch time near my home.

As I was driving closer to it there was a lot of lightning and the thunder was that immediate and after the strike the thunder was loud enough to vibrate the panels in the car. Then about five minutes after that the rain hit so hard for about five minutes making the visibility so poor and causing me to pull over for safety. The downpour lasted a few minutes then it cleared up leaving sunshine. :o

Looks like a wicked storm there!  I'm glad you're okay and the car wasn't damaged.  It can cloud up like that here in South Carolina when a strong afternoon thunderstorm develops.  That's what it looked like right before my terrible hailstorm last spring.

Philips DuraMax and GE Miser forever!  Classic incandescents are the best incandescents!

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #58 on: January 13, 2021, 08:17:35 PM » Author: CreeRSW207
One time I was under a spinning funnel cloud! (very rare to have tornadoes in NH) The tornado later touched down in Western Maine and took out the roof of an old barn.

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Re: Close encounters with nature « Reply #59 on: January 13, 2021, 11:45:01 PM » Author: Bulbman256
Ohh this is a good one! ;D I have had many an encounter with weather, More notable events are as follows: I had a trea fall on my house when i lived in calafornia, one of those big eucalipist trees, despite there 200+Ft size and wide base, the thing only ahd about 3-4 feet deep of roots and not much in diameter, the soft soil loosed up in a bad rainstorm we where having in February of 2017 and the tree fell over. It just barely hit the house, mostly took out the guttering. If it fell at a slightly different angle, it could have wiped out most of the deck and the front of the house. :o My mom tells me when me and my older brother where both very young that we got some really bad storms where we lived in junction city KS, she said the weather raido went of so often and waking us kids up that she had to trun it off. :poof:

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