Author Topic: Refridgerator Lighting  (Read 3014 times)
Refridgerator Lighting « on: August 07, 2008, 08:29:48 PM » Author: form109
i read an article the that the manufactures of refrigrators were thinking about lighting the insides of the refridgerators with flourescent lamps.i forsee some problems.

the cold enviroment lowers effiency and causes dimming.

of course the price of such lighting would raise the price

any more opinions.

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Rory Mercury!

Re: Refridgerator Lighting « Reply #1 on: August 07, 2008, 08:35:12 PM » Author: FGS
They might use ballasts for low temp or just use it outside the fridge and have the lamps' lead heading inside the fridge. The lamps themselves might have the plastic guard or have one built-in. They look nice that way.

Why I like LEDs on top of other lighting tech?
LEDs = Upgrade 95% of the applications. (That is if you avoid eBay's LEDs).

LED brainwash? No, people uses them cuz they work well for them.


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Re: Refridgerator Lighting « Reply #2 on: August 08, 2008, 09:37:18 AM » Author: sparkie
Lighting a fridge is definitely not the place for a fluorescent lamp. Quite apart from the temperature issue there is also the fact that a fridge door is usually only open for a few seconds at a time so the lamp will suffer due to excessive starting, and even with a sleeve it will never get the chance to warm up properly!

While I think there is nothing wrong with traditional incandescent lamps for fridge lighting - they're low wattage and only on for a few seconds at a time so the energy use is practically nothing - if the green police insist on 'low energy' lamps then LED should be used as they are perfect for this application.
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