I don't recommend it, you also run the risk of frying the 100w ballast if you use a lamp rated at 70 watts.
The ballast will be OK. Even maybe better off as the 70W lamp, because overdriven, will run at higher voltage, so the current will be a bit lower than with the proper 100W lamp, so the ballast will operate colder. So no worry there whatsoever.
But because of the higher arc voltage, the lamp will operate even higher than 100W.
So I would be more worried about the explosion: The outer bulb is designed to contain the explosion when operated normally. But being overheated all of the time may cause it to lose strength and so the ability to actually safely contain the arctube explosion. Yes, the outer bulb construction is very likely the same for both 70 and 100W (so the heat likely wont be that big problem for the outer) and the 70W arctube is smaller. But the 70W arctube is already designed to operate at higher pressure (to keep the arc voltage at the desired 75V even with shorter arc), so it may mean the energy of the compressed gas within arctube (so the source of the eventual explosion energy) could be even higher in normally running 70Watter, not speaking about when overloaded. So it may exceed what the outer
And there is very high chance the lamp will just start to cycle very soon. First because of the faster wear, but also because the higher arc voltage of the overloaded lamp gives the ballast less OCV headroom, so it takes less of degradation to make the arc unstable and extinguish.
To me definitely not any good idea.