I've been using Paypal for many years, and for the last few years have been able to use their Pay After Delivery facility, where they pay the seller and don't bill you for 2 weeks, which is usually enough time for the item to get to you and you to decide if it's any good or not. This saves a lot of hassle when trying to claim refunds for stuff from eBay for example when the seller sends you a wrong item or a lamp arrives broken etc.
However for the past week or so it's not been available as an option when checking out on eBay, which is one of the few situations where I tend to use Paypal these days. It's a Paypal facility not an eBay one, so I tried to contact them, of course there's no way to do it by phone, you have to use their so-called live chat system which is useless, somebody takes three hours or so at least to reply to a typed line of text, and all I get is the stock reply "if Pay after Delivery isn't offered as an option then the seller doesn't support it" or some such thing. Well why did they support it one day and not the next..? For similar items and from a seller I've bought from before where it worked perfectly well three weeks ago..?
I am not a happy bunny right now, has anyone else had this problem and have you had the same (lack of) response that I've had..? Or have you actually managed to get some sense out of them..?
Oh yes, if anyone has a working UK phone number from Paypal (preferably one where I don't spend an hour pressing buttons) then I'd really love to hear from you..!