Author Topic: So, I got it finally! (CA incandescent ban)  (Read 1942 times)

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Long live the HPS and SOX!

So, I got it finally! (CA incandescent ban) « on: February 11, 2020, 09:18:46 PM » Author: HPS_250
So, anyone remember how I said that I wasn’t allowed to be some GE reveal incandescent lamps at Target? (silverliner in particular because he commented) Today I decided to go back and I was able to buy 2 by using self checkout! It seems unusual that you could bypass the CA bulb ban that way. Why?

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of lighting, mainly incandescent and HID, and especially all kinds of sodium lamps (HPS/LPS). I’ll tolerate LED but I’m not a fan of it.
I’m not proud to say that my city has Devolved to LED.

fluorescent lover 40

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Re: So, I got it finally! (CA incandescent ban) « Reply #1 on: February 11, 2020, 09:22:07 PM » Author: fluorescent lover 40
Old stock. Bypassing the ban would be buying the bootleg incandescent lamps GE made (or still makes) after the incandescent bans on 40-100w A19 lamps in 2012-2014. I find older incandescent lamps at thrift and ReStores all the time.

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Long live the HPS and SOX!

Re: So, I got it finally! (CA incandescent ban) « Reply #2 on: February 11, 2020, 09:52:24 PM » Author: HPS_250
Old stock. Bypassing the ban would be buying the bootleg incandescent lamps GE made (or still makes) after the incandescent bans on 40-100w A19 lamps in 2012-2014. I find older incandescent lamps at thrift and ReStores all the time.

It good that old stock can still sometimes be sold. But, last time I wasn’t allowed to buy from the same old stock for some reason.

I’ve always been interested in all kinds of lighting, mainly incandescent and HID, and especially all kinds of sodium lamps (HPS/LPS). I’ll tolerate LED but I’m not a fan of it.
I’m not proud to say that my city has Devolved to LED.


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Re: So, I got it finally! (CA incandescent ban) « Reply #3 on: February 11, 2020, 10:18:28 PM » Author: Patrick
If I'm not mistaken California law prohibits the sale of all general service lamps subject to regulation that do not meet the 45 lumens per watt standard.  Therefore, whether it's old stock or not is no longer relevant.  I believe technically thrift stores and online retailers should be enforcing the restrictions as well, but some may not be in compliance.  In the event the Department of Energy ever reverses course and enforces the EISA backstop requirement nationwide (which is the basis of the CA law), the same restrictions could apply in all states.  Note many kinds of incandescent lamps such as appliance bulbs, colored lamps, lamps under 310 or over 2600 lumens, atypical shapes, etc. are still exempt.  However, for lamps that are covered, none could be sold, even new old stock and antiques.  Hopefully that never comes to pass.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 10:22:21 PM by Patrick » Logged

Patrick C., Administrator

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