Well it looks like it is too late if you wanted a F54T17SPB from Amazon.
Sold out.
I wanted to make a special fixture for two for them to put my garage in to the deep blue sea.
http://www.amazon.com/GE-26390-Straight-Fluorescent-Light/dp/B002CYVVLY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1402212273&sr=8-2&keywords=f54t17Update: 6/10/14 Apparently it is not too late as the F54T17s are still available here or at least this web site said they still are.
One thing I have learned in the past is just because there is a listing that a item is available for sale may or may not mean anything as many of these web sites are too lazy to update their listings.
I run into this situation all the time.
Since GE has discontinued all T17 production I think these special bulbs will become collector items if not already.
I found out that these bulbs have long been used in the theatre and movie industry for special blue effects and also used in large aquariums to give them that deep blue sea effect.
Plus Coral really likes blue light, so the F54T17SPB works wonders for Coral apparently.
I will see what they do to my garage.
http://www.elightbulbs.com/GE-26390-F54-INCHT17-SPB-Straight-T17-Fluorescent-TubeUpdate 6/10/14 Ok I just bought two of these with a confirmed order with a confirmed payment, so now I will wait and see if the order gets cancelled or not.
Another crazy lighting project.
These are 180 watt 1500 ma Rapid start bulbs.
A Advance RS2S-200 ballast as this is what John recommended for this application.
Update: 6/24/14 I received the two F54T17SPBs today.
They are NOS GE bulbs and are white.
They were well packed and really are clean and have a very smooth polished finish quality to the glass.
I have the correct rapid start ballast on the way still in shipping and will do a test to see what happens when both of these are fired up.
It is supposed to be "Super Blue" so I guess I will find out what "Super Blue" is.
These F54T17 bulbs are already becoming rare and the price at some web sites are now as high as $502 each.

So $104 each was a good deal after all.
They are of today 6/24/14 still available at $104 each plus shipping if you want one of the unique bulbs.
Some more information from GE.
https://secure.gelightnet.com/eu/resources/literature_library/product_brochures/downloads/UVBrochure.pdf?SMSESSION=NOOnly 2000 hours and the F54T17SPB turns into a pumpkin.

At 54 inches long and 180 watts, the bulb must under some heavy loading to only go 2000 hours.
I wonder how many lumens' this is?
Guess I better not leave it on too long.

Here is a rare F54T17.

But the etch is F56T17.
https://www.google.com/search?q=f54t17&sa=N&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=dXLYU5bXBcf0oATW2YKQCQ&ved=0CDAQsAQ4Cg&biw=1193&bih=656#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=8EEzfROsSqKbMM%253A%3B7Lh1lLupEX0y-M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wslusa.com%252Fsitebuildercontent%252Fsitebuilderpictures%252FReprographics%252F.pond%252FSYTECF56T17SDBVHOLamp.JPG.w560h258.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.wslusa.com%252Fid158.html%3B560%3B258Need a ballast?