Author Topic: What type of NCV (Non-Contact Voltage) detector do you have?  (Read 2338 times)

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Power distributor: CenterPoint Energy. 120V 60Hz

GoL UCfoxh9h5FaLg-R04V8WDi3w
What type of NCV (Non-Contact Voltage) detector do you have? « on: April 05, 2019, 09:09:14 PM » Author: lightinglover8902
I have a Allosun GK7 (Hyper Tough brand) category III 70~1000VAC non contact voltage detector from Walmart.  Which is great when checking for live voltages in house to industrial wiring. Whats yours?

Save the Cooper OVWs!! Don't them down by crap LED fixtures!!!


Gender: Male
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Power distributor: CenterPoint Energy. 120V 60Hz

GoL UCfoxh9h5FaLg-R04V8WDi3w
Re: What type of NCV (Non-Contact Voltage) detector do you have? « Reply #1 on: April 06, 2019, 10:13:09 AM » Author: lightinglover8902
Here's a pic of my NCV detector that I have.


Save the Cooper OVWs!! Don't them down by crap LED fixtures!!!


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Re: What type of NCV (Non-Contact Voltage) detector do you have? « Reply #2 on: April 07, 2019, 04:05:27 PM » Author: Ash
Nowadays a Fluke VoltAlert

Back in the day (15 years ago) i had one i built myself - Basically the "sense" was feeding to the base of a 5-tier Darlington of 2N2222's, and the last one was lighting a Red LED. Two 10MOhm resistors were provided as pull-down on the bases of 2 of the transistors (iirc every 2nd transistor) to pull it down just enough so it won't be lighting all the time

The entire setup, with 2 AAA batteries was assembled into a translucent White Plastic tube from a fax machine paper roll. The battery connection was at the "holding" end of the wand, and provided the capacitive electrode to my hand. A defective electrolitic capacitor, that happened to just fit into the tube and hold in there, was stuffed in from the other end. Not used as a capacitor but just as the "sensing" end electrode, one of the capacitor's leads was connected to the base of the 1st transistor

This tester was WAY more sensitive than any store bought one - it could sense 230V from 2ft on a good day, detect wiring through (cement block !) walls, etc. But it would also light up all the time from interference and static. Walk past it with a block of styrofoam and it would light up

I also have a few simple contact (Neon) testers, and at about the same time i made the non contact one, i also had a contact one which i modded with the glow lamp from a starter (that glows in Purple) instead of the original Neon. Resistor used was something like 1MOhm
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