Experiments with special HPS lamps for automotive lighting, has done in the laboratories, but not reached into a commercial production.
Over there I bet the winter temperature is not -40 either, that really makes people wait a few minutes for the car to warm up and gives you time to scrape the frost off the windows, and I was only bugging, I wouldn't really run the risk of damaging a LPS and the liquid sodium in a warmed up lamp would be all over the inside of the lamp with the amount of potholes we have over here..
But I have seen a farmer use HPS lighting on a combine running from a pure sine wave inverter and magnetic ballasts, long before LED light bars came out, as you age you lose night vision so they just get brighter lights and in the middle of field at 2 AM your not worried about other drivers you just need to see what you are doing, and pulling a few hundred watts off a 200 AMP alternator is nothing especially since the engine runs all night long or until the dew sets on the crops...