Author Topic: HPS/MH ballast help  (Read 2195 times)

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HPS/MH ballast help « on: July 01, 2016, 05:21:08 PM » Author: Lumex120

I am getting a Westinghouse OV 15 soon, and I would like to convert it to MH. I searched "150w MH ballast" on eBay and the link above came up. It is labeled for both 150w MH AND HPS lamps! Is this too good to be true? It is easily affordable for me, and would it be good to use this in a cobrahead? I would love to be able to also use HPS lamps in it, but will this run the US 55v HPS lamps? Or is it just MH? Also, would the lamps have a 120hz flicker on this or would there be none?

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Re: HPS/MH ballast help « Reply #1 on: July 01, 2016, 05:35:09 PM » Author: Solanaceae
It'll prolly run the 100v s56 150 lamps.

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Re: HPS/MH ballast help « Reply #2 on: July 01, 2016, 05:38:52 PM » Author: wattMaster

I am getting a Westinghouse OV 15 soon, and I would like to convert it to MH. I searched "150w MH ballast" on eBay and the link above came up. It is labeled for both 150w MH AND HPS lamps! Is this too good to be true? It is easily affordable for me, and would it be good to use this in a cobrahead? I would love to be able to also use HPS lamps in it, but will this run the US 55v HPS lamps? Or is it just MH? Also, would the lamps have a 120hz flicker on this or would there be none?
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Re: HPS/MH ballast help « Reply #3 on: July 01, 2016, 05:46:54 PM » Author: Ash
Metrolight are for the most part into retrofit dimmable ballasts business, they have some popularity here in MH to MH retrofit projects of the late 00's

This ballast appears to have 1..10 dimming control which is nice, you could be able to use that for dimming, and EIA232 port (same as a COM port on a PC) that i dont know for what it is, and whether you must use it to command the ballast to start or something. Would be interesting to connect it to a PC and see what the ballast says, though it would need an isolator if it is referenced to the AC voltage and not isolated inside the ballast

This ballast mentions CMH so it would be indeed the 1.8A spec (150W Pulse MH and S56 HPS) but it is weird that they mention just 350V OCV and not the starting pulse

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mdcastle 26956281@N02
Re: HPS/MH ballast help « Reply #4 on: July 01, 2016, 07:12:13 PM » Author: mdcastle
I have a very similar ballast (100 watts, same company, no RS-232) and the label on it clearly specifies 100 volt sodium. As an electric ballast it wouldn't have any flicker. I have moderate hearing loss so I can't hear it, but my sister reports it produces a high frequency whine, especially when warming up.
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