There is a 250W Mercury Vapor Nema head (GE 201SA), and the lamp is starting to green out a little bit. When it starts up, it no longer has that pink color, and at night, since there are no HPS lights near it, and it's kind of in the trees, it looks like the light from a Full Moon. It is still pretty bright, and it is not completely green. The lamp has been in there for 8-9 years now. Probably has another 30 years of life left in it at this point. I dunno, the ballast makes a WEIRD noise really wish I could figure out why it does this. It does it EVERY Night when it turns on. I have the exact same model, and mine never does that when I turn it on. So can anyone shed some light (no pun intended) on why the ballast makes that noise during start-up?