Here is a Sylvania F40T17 white.
There are not many of these F40T17s in white.
I would guess they were some of the first F40T17s Sylvania made.
These are instant start bulbs with the internal shorted pins that require the SM-2E40-S-TP or similar 40 watt F40T17 instant start ballast.
The F40T17 ballasts are easy to find on ebay, but not the fixtures or bulbs.
These are the first F40T17 bulbs I have seen on ebay, however new GE F40T17s in CW are still available on Amazon for $29.99 each.
In any case GE, the last manufacturer of the T17 fluorescent bulbs ain't making them no more.
The F40T17s look just like a F90T17 but must use the F40T17 ballast with the F40T17s.
If you have a F90T17 fixture but can't find the F90T17 bulbs for them, the F40T17s will fit perfect in the fixture, but you will have to change out the ballast to a F40T17 instant start ballast and rewire the bulb holders.
Leave the starters in place for the original look, but disconnect them.
The fixture and bulbs would look just the same as before, but just a little down on light output.
But a word of warning if you do this be sure to mark the fixture to use F40T17 bulbs only in this fixture and here is why.
If someone did not know about the modification to the fixture and put F90T17 bulbs in it thinking that everything is ok, well it is not ok.
The second you turn on the fixture, the filament in one end of the F90T17 bulbs will burn out as all the power to the instant start ballast runs through them making the F90T17 bulb unusable.
Also fixtures can be made for the F40T17s, F90T17s, all sizes of Power Groove and the F54T17s if you can't find any fixtures for them.
They are not difficult to make.
See Larry's gallery for details how to make a fixture for any of these special T17 bulbs. all seven bulbs sold right after listing.
New F40T17CW GEs are still available on Amazon.
Sylvania white 15 watt black enders.
Has lighting bolt symbol. Sylvania 15 watt white. fluorescent bulbs?
If you blow up the picture it looks like "Eltron". fluorescent bulb.
First Marvel bulb I have found so far. fluorescent bulb? Champion daylight bulb. Sylvania black light bulb. would guess these GEs are from the 1960s. Japan. long life bulbs. inch Power Groove bulbs.
The 96 and 72 inch PG bulbs have been listed for sale before on ebay, but not very many sellers will ship them either because they are afraid they won't make it or just too lazy to ship them and go for local pick up only which usually never happens.
So I bought two of these F72PGs as they are getting harder to find and now this completes my collection of PG bulbs, 48 inch, 72 inch and 96 inch pg bulbs.
Now to make a 72 inch fixture for them which is the easy part.
Update: reduced in price.
Here is a rare chance to buy these bulbs as most sellers of the old PGs bulbs (if you can find any) will not ship them. F48PG watt Misers. company seems to be able find many obsolete lighting fixtures and bulbs.
May be they can dredge up some F90T17s also.
Are these bulbs the special Watt Miser 40 watt (34 watt) GE bulbs that have the internal thermal cutouts for the filaments?
I have seen information on these bulbs, but never actually seen a bulb.
I would like to have two of them, but not a case of them.
As far as I know these special Watt Miser bulbs were only made for a year or so by GE back in the late 1970s or early 80s in the 40 watt size rapid start only.
The idea was to cut out the filaments once the bulb started with a internal thermal switch which reduced the bulb wattage from 40 watt to 34 watt.
But if you turned off the fixture and turned it back on, the bulbs would not start until the cooled back down and the thermal cutout reset.
Must not have been a big seller as they were discontinued after about a year. color tone black enders (2) Sylvania black end Grolux in original sleeve. Only one of these 30 watt Grolux remains with the Sylvania lighting bolt. Test your fluorescent fixtures with this handy dandy tool. white GE.
For some reason many sellers don't show the bulb etch.
To me this is like selling a car and just say "Ford" without stating a year and model.
It is not like it is difficult to show the bulb etch. This fixture might not blow up, but my wallet would.