Recently, I've become more interested in collecting older model halogen lamps. After my E40 base Philips IODE 1000 watt, I just bought a 500 watt Philips T3 halogen bulb on eBay. It was also made in Pont-a-Mousson, France, September 2004 vintage

I'll update y'all with a picture here once it arrives in the mail. I may get a work lamp to run it in, but I wouldn't use this rare French made bulb for general purposes. I would probably get a more common Hungarian GE 500 watt version to use as a lamp for working under the hood of my car or area lighting in the back patio. Other than work lamps, are these T3's used anywhere else commonly?
I remember seeing a work lamp with two 500 watt T3's illuminating the back yard of a frat house at a party. Just two of these put out enough brilliant, strong light to illuminate a large patio and yard. I'm glad they didn't get drunkenly knocked over and leave the whole party in darkness
I have grown to love the light from high power halogens like these. About 2900K color temperature and nearly perfect CRI. Halogen light seems really pure, bright, and pleasant

I know these are prone to certain problems like oils from my skin creating hot spots and shortening the bulb's life, loss of vacuum that makes the filament burn up and fail early, and the intense heat that can cause a fire hazard if used in the wrong kind of fixture. These kinds of bulbs are sophisticated technology and require caution and common sense when using.
Are there any other unique facts on these T3 halogen lamps?