I did not think of that for a tent.
Good Idea.
Most Army barracks I have been in had just the usual double 40 watt fixtures, at least they did back in 1969.
Some preheat, some rapid start.
In the older wooden two story WW2 barracks at Fort Leonard Wood MO. had the old 40 watt daylight double preheat fixtures with the open end reflectors from the 1940s.
They looked really nice as they were mounted direct to the ceiling, but the ceiling was low, so you could just reach up and touch the fixture.
When standing at the foot locker of your bed during inspection, you got this really bright downward day light lighting effect that made you look better than you really was.
When the lights were turned on at 5:00 in the morning, the old ballasts buzzing noise and the blinking preheat bulbs would wake you right up.
But the wooden barracks were torn down many years ago as they were a real fire hazard.
They would burn down to the ground in about 15 min
Here is what they looked like, but of course they were newer in 1969 and very well maintained.
http://www.sanluisobispo.com/2012/01/14/1907999/barracks-demolition-roberts-camp.htmlI bet there were some good 1940s fixtures in there.
May be if someone is close to Camp Roberts they could check it out.
Looks like everything is being scrapped out.