This is what I've been waiting to see...some years ago I found some R-30's that had the IRC technology, but then never saw any again. If the quality is good and the lamps consistently last 1500 hours, these seem to be good replacements for standard incandescents, particularly in fixtures where the lamp is visible and you don't want a strange-looking CFL or LED bulb showing. (Personally, I don't like A-shaped lamps but I would love one of these in a BT-15 or E17 - they'd look like small metal halide lamps).
I don't think LED will kill off incandescents entirely, but standard incandescents might become a "specialty lighting" item (like carbon filament reproduction lamps are now) and maybe in 20-30 years, even cost more than their LED equivalents. And I think the trend will be toward LED lighting fixtures, where there is no replaceable bulb, thereby requiring an "electrician" to change the fixture when it stops working.