I have a 2 lamp (inline) 8 watt fixture and I blew it up. Not on purpose. One of my HG Bright lamps lights fine initially and gets very dim and V E R Y hot so I removed one lamp to drive it harder. Well after a time the lamp went out, so I removed it and put the other 2 good bulbs back in and I waited awhile. It turned it on and nothing. Waited some more... nothing and then POW ! POW ! very loud and smoke poured out and I unplugged it.
Ballast says PES Power Electronics and Systems ( Torrence CA) OCV is 540V and it says rapid start and also says it has inherent thermal protection. It will be a pain to replace this ballast IF I can...
Maybe Lowes has a replacement fixture. Converting to switch start is not possible the way the unit is constructed.