Author Topic: Making SL*xx look-alike using PL and glass jar - Ideas ?  (Read 2333 times)

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Making SL*xx look-alike using PL and glass jar - Ideas ? « on: June 17, 2011, 01:50:52 AM » Author: Ash
I want to make a Philips SL-xx look alike, with a PL and glass jar. The thing is gona screw in a normal light socket, with remote PL ballast wired to the socket and not inside the lamp

Is there any clue where to look for similar-looking glass or plastic jar ? (size does not have to be exact, i will hack something for the plastic base)

If a clear jar + refractor is used, where to find a refractor ?

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Re: Making SL*xx look-alike using PL and glass jar - Ideas ? « Reply #1 on: June 17, 2011, 08:37:38 AM » Author: Naomi
I've come across this led light bulb.

I don't know if that's something you can use. It's a bit small, but a PL-C would surely fit in it. The length of the lamp would be the only problem.

I have one of these myself, and am planning to do something similar with it, as the led part broke. Here's a video of when it still worked, though missing a few leds:

Probably a good idea to mension that the cover is plastic, not glass.
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