I think he might be in the u.k. Just don`t know for sure, Last weekend we locked horns on a pair of 1940 or 41 G-E Brass end capped Mazda Fluorescent bulbs -They were 30 watt bulbs.
The tip off in his question was If or not these bulbs were compatible with 120 - 240 volt circuits whitch I thought was kinda odd.
Anyway I won the auction but payed dearly.
I did win one of the auctions today , Not the one with the early Mazda`s just the middle price fluorescent westy group , The one with the day lights.
Not happy about the high prices but, If more sellers see what these early fluorescent bulbs are fetching hopefully they will start keeping an eye out for them while there out junkin.
Whitch will increase our chances of scoring some early F40T12`s & F100T17`s
Is he a LG member?
Keep in mind bidder 1054 is tough to go against , So you will have to step up to the plate if you want them.
He is a serious bulb collector & no, Its not me.
These and two other sets are for sale on E-bay:
I bid on them but really want to get F40s. Someone here needs to score these and the other two sets from the same seller!