After owning it since 2021, (due to learning how to drive a manual, and also the recent flat tire situation) I finally got around to showing
my parents my sportcar, which was the primary reason why I kept pics of it away from social media. Even though it's from Hyundai...
it is still one of my favorite cars of all time.
My brother took a video of me leaving my parents place with the car. Although neither of us liked the audio of that video, I REALLY didn't like the
fact that he cut out my mom's reaction as I was leaving, so I told him to reupload the video. There is some additional editing I'll probably
do to the video once I download it... after that, I'll post the video here.
Now it's fair game... I can officially start posting to social media much more... not just of the car, but also my motorcycle, and also general filming.
This might... MIGHT... include face reveal.