Since my favorite design for North American F40T12 preheat fixtures consists of 4 lamp louvered fixtures with glass side panels and 4 lamp F40T12 preheat fixtures with glass diffusers, I am really looking for such fixtures that have original brick 2 lamp F40T12 preheat ballasts AND intact glass panels/diffusers. I am specifically looking for ones containing original brick ballasts because I like to run European F36T8 fluorescent tubes and F40T12 fluorescent tubes in those fixtures whenever I feel like running them without having to worry about European F36T8 tubes flickering like EOL on Long John ballasts, AD-lite ballasts, and more modern 2 lamp F40T12 preheat ballasts. Some examples of those fixtures that I am looking for include Sylvania’s CL-440 4 lamp louvered fixtures, Sylvania’s CG-440 4 lamp glass diffused fixtures, Sylvania’s C-205 4 lamp louvered fixtures, Sylvania’s C-201 4 lamp glass diffused fixtures, Frank Levasseur and Company Limited STARG 4-40 4 lamp louvered fixtures, Frank Levasseur and Company Limited COLG 4-40 4 lamp louvered fixtures, and Frank Levasseur and Company Limited RECG 4-40 4 lamp glass diffused troffers.
In addition, I would not mind having the other following fixtures from Frank, Levasseur and Company Limited:
STARG 2-20, STARG 4-20, STARG 2-40, COLG 2-20, COLG 4-20, COLG 2-40, KG 3-20, RECG 1-20, RECG 2-20, RECG 2-40, RECG 3-40, RECL 1-20, RECL 2-20, RECL 2-40, RECL 3-40, RECL 4-40, KUL 4-20, ECON 4-40, and the KUGN 3-20 fixtures.
I would also not mind the following fixture from Mitchell:
Model No. 3032 “4-40 Watt ‘Wafer Thin’ Fixture”.
I would also not mind having the following Sylvania fixtures in my collection as well:
CG-440, C-201, CG-240, CL-240, C-115, CTR-140L, CTR-240L, CTR-340L, and the RW-220.
I would like to know where I could easily procure these rare fixtures for my collection since I have been wanting some of those for a long time.