Yes. There is a town named Kitsault in British Columbia, Canada, that was abandoned in 1983 but because of its remote location and someone taking care of it, it has been basically preserved as it was this entire time, and has not decayed badly or been vandalized. Look up videos on YouTube. The electricity has remained on and the houses, commercial buildings, library, school, grocery store, bank, post office, bar, apartments, all still are as they were in 1983 and had been occupied previously for only 3 years. So, all the fluorescent fixtures are T12 and there are HPS cobraheads and post top Twist Paks and such, and probably many 1980s incandescents that still work. I am not sure how much MV and MH is there, but there appears to be some. It’s possible some fixtures that have been used often this entire time have replacement lamps, and a few lamps/ballasts don’t work as seen in some of the videos, but it’s a very well-preserved time capsule as most of the lights have rarely been used. I suspect most of the 4’ fluorescents are full 40w halophosphate cool whites on rapid start ballasts as that was what was most popular at the time. The 34w tubes became more widespread in the mid to late 1980s but it’s possible they were used here.
I would love to visit, but it’s about a 17 hour drive from Vancouver on isolated roads. There is a phone number to call so you can get a tour and not be trespassing.
I think for any other large installations to still exist and be in use, it would have required many years of being unused, very sporadic use, or a good stock of replacement lamps as it’s been a long time since the 1980s. I have come across a church or two with T12 CW lit rooms still, apparently rooms not used for long hours.