Down here in Australia, Bulky Item Collection is called Hard Rubbish. I go street scrapping at least once a week and go around cutting the cables off old electrical items so I can strip them for the copper wire. I also collect light fixtures and lamps. A good 60% of my collection is trash finds and I've found lots of cool stuff over the years including the sought after brass ender fluoro, many old fluoro battens that were victims of LED downgrades, My 111 tube haul, Heaps of spare parts and so much more. Trashpicking/Street Scrapping also has it's downsides like being rained out, trash piles already collected, another person beating me to the copper, angry homeowners and even a dog attack. Yes I'm ok and the dog's owner came to help me. I've also seen lots of bad drivers, accidently scaring myself, broken a few lamps, missed good items because of sheer stupidity and found a dropped phone that we took to the police station where it was reunited with it's owner.
Fluro starter pings combined with a 50hz ballast hum and blinking tubes is music to my ears.
Rest in Peace Electronic Lamp Manufacturers of Australia
Bring back the AJF Zodiacs!
Total incidents since joining LG: 18
Lamps accidently broken or smashed: 15
Ballast explosions/burnouts: 3