Author Topic: Site Rules and Moderation Feedback  (Read 3579 times)

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Site Rules and Moderation Feedback « on: October 31, 2021, 12:38:04 AM » Author: Patrick
Hello Members,

I would like to invite all members to share feedback with me regarding site rules and the way in which our moderation team enforces those rules.  In recent months I have heard about various concerns regarding content quality, as well as both supposed overreach in addition to lack of responsiveness on the part of the administration.  As moderators we strive to strike a balance, intervening to prevent disruptive and inappropriate material from interfering with productive discourse, while also giving members a great deal of freedom to share what they wish.  Unfortunately, many of the complaints I hear about are second hand and too vague to be actionable.  Often by the time I know there's a significant problem, the member in question has quit or is well on their way to leaving the community.  So please, if you have feedback, feel free to send it my way.  We have a diverse membership and will not be able to satisfy everybody all the time, but if you are disappointed in the direction things are headed, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts.  By the way, if you have positive feedback or there is something good you'd like to see more of, feel free to let us know that as well.  I'd like to hear about what is working as well as what isn't.

Thank you,

Patrick C., Administrator

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