Author Topic: Too many lights for a bathroom?  (Read 1693 times)
Cole D.

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Too many lights for a bathroom? « on: June 20, 2021, 06:40:40 PM » Author: Cole D.
So I want to redo a bathroom lighting wise. It's 5x8 room with sink, toilet, shower. I'd want to have some type of retro fixture over the sink, possibly with one or two bulbs in it. Then a recessed light over the shower with a fresnel shower lens inside. These two would be on their own switches, or could possibly be on one switch for both.

Then over the middle of the bathroom, I want to have NuTone heat-vent-lite. Which is a round unit that has exhaust fan, heater fan, room light, and night light in one. It has two double switches, so each function can be turned on or off independently. I really like the retro styling of this unit, is why I want this one specific.

So would having a sink light, a shower light and a light on the exhaust fan too many for one bathroom? And plus it would be 6 different switches for the room or possibly 5.

If I used a different type fan, I'd get a fan/light unit in one and install it right over the shower, instead of the fresnel trim light. But, the NuTone heater fan isn't allowed to be installed over a shower or tub.

I also considered maybe with the exhaust fan in middle of room that the shower would be bright enough without it's own light. Even though I like having light in the shower. So could possibly wire sink light and fan light to same switch, and only have four switches, and no shower light.

Collect vintage incandescent and fluorescent fixtures. Also like HID lighting and streetlights.


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All lighting except LED rules!

Re: Too many lights for a bathroom? « Reply #1 on: June 20, 2021, 09:47:40 PM » Author: thelightingman
I think it is the perfect amount of lighting for a bathroom.

I think HPS, MV, and MH rule! :mv: :mvc: :hps: :emh: Ban LED instead! :eoled:

Re: Too many lights for a bathroom? « Reply #2 on: June 21, 2021, 08:04:21 AM » Author: sox35
We've just got a 28W 2D lamp in the bathroom. It's only a small room, just about big enough for the bath, washbasin and toilet, so don't really need anything more than that.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2021, 08:08:28 AM by sox35 » Logged

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Re: Too many lights for a bathroom? « Reply #3 on: June 21, 2021, 09:03:39 AM » Author: funkybulb
@ Sox 35

 Americans do tend to be over kill with lighting the bathroom
  Esp with those Stupiid multi-lamp vantity lights  esp with 6-8 lamp ones.  But it usefull to make lamp displays else where..

  In my old house light hardly ever get  turned on in the bathroom and used a old 20 watt GE switch start bright  stick
 fluorescent in there.. 

No LED gadgets, spins too slowly.  Gotta  love preheat and MV. let the lights keep my meter spinning.


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Re: Too many lights for a bathroom? « Reply #4 on: June 21, 2021, 02:29:52 PM » Author: Medved
Well, I used there a single 8W filament LED into the fixture and put a 47nF capacitor parallel to the switch to let it dimly glow as a kind of 100mW "nightlight" mode. Never turned on the full power since...

No more selfballasted c***


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Re: Too many lights for a bathroom? « Reply #5 on: June 21, 2021, 04:39:55 PM » Author: Lumex120
Just because there's a lot of lights doesn't mean they all need to be used at once. Personally, I don't think that's a bad setup. Gives more options for what kind of lighting you want in there at a given time, for example.

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Re: Too many lights for a bathroom? « Reply #6 on: June 21, 2021, 04:59:16 PM » Author: sox35
Depends what you use the bathroom for. Personally, I use it to have a shower or a bath, and to go to the toilet  ;D

As long as there's enough light for me to see what I'm doing, the rest doesn't really matter. In any case, if we want a long soak in the bath, we turn out the main light and use a couple of Hurricane oil lamps like this, they're very restful  8)
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