Author Topic: vintage 40 watt strip light converted to preheat  (Read 1078 times)
Walter Knox

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vintage 40 watt strip light converted to preheat « on: February 12, 2021, 06:48:48 PM » Author: Walter Knox
so, i posted a thing a little while back where I had a leaking ballast, it still worked fine and did not run hot or anything, but it was indeed leaking, so i decided to go ahead and replace it, but of course if I am replacing a ballast and I am able to put in a preheat ballast that is what I will do. they are normally pretty expensive because people think everything old is worth a fortune, so I was pleasantly surprised when i found a NOS advance preheat ballast for one f40t12 for $15 shipped. so i jumped on that and i got the ballast today and went ahead and converted the fixture to preheat. of course when trying to fit the starter socket i drilled the holes opposite of how they needed to be, so now i have 4 holes, but other than that everything went smoothly.
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