General => General Discussion => Topic started by: lightinglover8902 on August 28, 2018, 01:04:12 PM

Title: I think I know why they're spot replacing HID to LED fixtures
Post by: lightinglover8902 on August 28, 2018, 01:04:12 PM
So, the Grandparkway (Texas 99) was originally had HPS fixtures on the highway, and now I seen some LED fixtures with the HPS fixtures by spot replacing the original HPS fixture to an LED fixture. By that by using non-good quality HPS bulbs in HPS fixtures. If the HPS fixture doesn't work (by using a non-good quality bulb), they're replace the whole thing with an LED fixture, which is stupid because the HPS fixture still works, dispite using a non-good quality bulb like the new GE bulbs. Or even the HPS fixture got knocked down by a car crash, they're still replace the pole, but instead they put an LED fixture. Yet its very common in my area that TXDOT is spot replacing HPS fixtures with LED fixtures on the Grandparkway (Texas 99). Although I may have seen it in some places, like Interstate 45 north at New Waverly.
Title: Re: I think I know why they're spot replacing HID to LED fixtures
Post by: High Intensity on August 29, 2018, 02:10:23 AM
The lights in the industrial part of Santa Clara are slowly getting spot replaced with mainly Leotek GC and GCJ streetlights, most of the high pressure sodium and mercury vapor streetlights are still there but their numbers are slowly declining.
Title: Re: I think I know why they're spot replacing HID to LED fixtures
Post by: dor123 on August 29, 2018, 03:30:47 AM
I think the cities and settlements and kibbutzim don't doing this in such a manner here in Israel.
Title: Re: I think I know why they're spot replacing HID to LED fixtures
Post by: Cole D. on August 29, 2018, 06:32:40 PM
Well on the main highway here, they replaced a section of the HPS lights with LED for about a 4 mile stretch on both sides. The rest of the highway is still all HPS with no spot replacements. Plus in one area of town they installed some LED lights, but only in the one area. Most businesses that remodel are getting LED parking lot lights, but the ones that aren't are still MH. Plus some rental lights are being replaced with LED but the majority of side street lights are all still HPS or MV. I'm guessing they still relamp them, but some MV streetlights no longer work.
Title: Re: I think I know why they're spot replacing HID to LED fixtures
Post by: sol on August 29, 2018, 08:25:06 PM
Here, there is a law against installing anything other than LED for roadway illumination. HPS and MV remain operational until they fail. Whatever the failure is, they get replaced with LED. Cobra heads are usually removed complete with mounting pipe, and replaced with a new pipe with LED fixture. I'm not sure why. The only HID the power company installs is residential rentals which are all 100W HPS Cooper Vanguard, and flood lights which are typically HPS or MH. Oh, and they usually make spot replacements, and sometimes they don't really match the wattages.
Title: Re: I think I know why they're spot replacing HID to LED fixtures
Post by: boiler1011 on August 30, 2018, 10:53:31 AM
They are mostly doing spot replacements up this way, and doing "phase" replacements on highways out west. I am sure this mainly has to do with allocation of funds, and maintenance budgets.  All new installs are LED, which isn't a shock. At least they are using fairly warm colored units.
Title: Re: I think I know why they're spot replacing HID to LED fixtures
Post by: lightinglover8902 on August 30, 2018, 04:33:35 PM
They are mostly doing spot replacements up this way, and doing "phase" replacements on highways out west. I am sure this mainly has to do with allocation of funds, and maintenance budgets.  All new installs are LED, which isn't a shock. At least they are using fairly warm colored units.

I guess TXDOT is saving money, huh?