General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Foxtronix on July 25, 2008, 02:49:13 PM
How can I take a photo of a lit fluorescent. All photos I took yet are blurry, even with the macro mode... ???
Are you using a tripod? The camera may have to be very still to get a clear pic.
I wanna say that the camera cannot focus the tube when lit (Very handy >:( )
Can you focus first before lighting the lamp?
DumBulb: Yeah, no problem when the tube is not lit...
I don't think he's dum! ;D
If you have seen my F15T8/WW lit the shot is very clear! I adjusted the exposure first, so it didn't come out as a white blob :D
Thanks guys, but finally I found why I can't and it's really simple: I was too close of the tube! ;D
There ya go!! Hopefully we will see your lit tubes!
I noticed my camera can't focus at all on magnetic-ballasted tubes, but it works fine with electronic-ballasted tubes. Anyway thanks for your help!
Also, try using forced flash, it may help. I have the same issue, and try to get focus on the side of the fitting, as most autofocus has problems with too much light.