General => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gizmo_Pup on May 15, 2014, 02:07:03 PM
Hi, I am new and I would love to learn a lot more than I do about fluorescent lights. I love rapid start because it flickers slowly and helps preserve the lamps. I also love Mercury Vapor lights and how they turn pink as they first turn on. :mv: :a_fluor:
Great to see some new members on LG! Welcome aboard. ;)
Yes welcome. You will find that...there is a LOT of info to be learned about fluorescent lamps. It is actually rather socking. :P
Welcome. :D
I am new here too and there is so much lighting information here it is a large store house of knowledge from some very nice people.
I have learned so much here.
I think you will find a ton of information here regarding fluorescent lighting. :D