Lamps => Modern => Topic started by: prawnman88 on November 10, 2006, 05:28:58 PM
i bought another hood but im going to use the old one just swap stuff over anyway i turned the bulb on that came with the new hood its a weird "purple" does any one know the spectrum of these bulbs ? i can post a pic if need be
Hey...send me a picture of the etch and the bulb turned on through my email....I have an aquarium fish tank also....
jayce did u get the pic it is a weird purple
If you can post a photo of your lamp and any details about the brand name, I will reply with the spectral power distribution chart.
oh Rich...sorry never got your email :(
Try using a cd and see which color is brighter. Look at the rainbow that appears on the CD.
This post is a little off-topic from the original post:
I have seen clear self-ballasted MVs for reptile use (100W) and was considering buying one for general lighting. I know these are intended to emit UV but would it be too much UV for general lighting? Is the UV amount higher than a typical 160W coated SBMV lamp? The descriptions of the lamp don't mention using suitable UV eye protection so I don't know if the levels are much higher than usual MV lamps.